
  • Bar News

    Happy New Year Post 4 Veterans, Members and Friends,

    We have a new bartender joining our team! Delo is a Marine, who just

    completed EMT training and is currently attending the Fire Academy.  Please welcome

    him to the team when you meet him in person. 

    With the success of one beer out of every case marked with an "X", we will

    continue that through 2025, everyone loves a free beer!

    The veterans have voted to remove Titos vodka off the rail and bring back

    bottles. Our rail vodka will be Bartens, which this post has had in the past. While we

    bring our bottles back into stock, we will have to run down the aluminums before our

    stock is balanced out. 

    Please help me welcome a couple of new bartenders.

    De Los Santos will work dayshift once or twice a week.

    Sean, an Air Force veteran who has worked in Legions and other bars. He will

    fill in as needed.

    Teresa Ortega: Sundays and possibly one evening.

    Cheers to you and the New Year! Be safe, heathy and positive!


  • Legion

    We managers have had so much to be grateful for over this past month. We

    wish we had taken notes b/c we know we will miss the opportunity to thank so many

    that gave. If we fail to mention your contributions, know that we as a community felt it.

    THANK YOU!!!...

    *Denny Jorgenson: finding a contractor to plow the parking lot on snowy days.

    *Duffy & Steve Chambers: being the Post Night Watchmen and to all those that stay

    late to support the safety of the Post bartenders.

    *Diane Abbot: setting up the speakers for Bingo & Karaoke.

    *Membership: attending meetings and being active

    *Tony Keegan: volunteering to run karaoke and bringing it back on Friday nights!

    *Jerry Duran: repairing the carpet stripping.

    *Gary Bishop, Patty Bishop & Shannon Speer: cleaning and organizing the Connex.

    That was a big job!

    *Gary Bishop: purchasing lights and wrapping them on the Veterans Christmas tree.

    *Sue Zeigler: decorating the Veterans Christmas tree.

    *Jared Schneider: generously choosing not to take gifts for his 9th birthday and using

    the funds to purchase 4 bags of toys for the Post 4 Christmas boxes.

    *Auxiliary: organizing and hosting family events that many look forward to each year

    including Brunch with Santa.

    *George McCambridge: working on improving the lighting in the parking lot.

    *Rob Phillips: giving his time to assist the Post with legal needs.

    *Executive Board: donating their time to serve Post 4.

    *Manuel Madrid: organizing a successful New Years Eve celebration!

  • Auxiliary


    Our events for December were the gathering and wrapping of the children’s gifts and

    assisting with assembling the food boxes that were delivered to the needy families. We had

    approximately sixty-three children who received gifts this year. There were many wonderful

    toys donated for this cause. An anonymous donor stated he begins to shop for gifts the day

    after Christmas and allots an amount from his monthly budget to spend on these gifts. There

    are many caring and gracious people in the world, and we appreciate all of you.

    We also had our annual children’s Christmas party. This year’s party was a new idea

    with a favorable twist. Instead of an event for the children only, we provided brunch for the

    children and their families. The pancakes were reported to be a hit with everyone. Credit

    goes to the chairperson Beth Adric and her committee who have made this another

    successful event. Our Santa Glen and Elf Viki did a fabulous job.

    It’s rewarding when Auxiliary members step forward and present ideas for our events. I

    encourage all members to do so. There are many talented people with great ideas. Please

    contact me with suggestions, recommendations or present them at our monthly meetings.

    Our Veterans are the reason we do what we do. What modifications or other events can we

    consider in support of our Veterans?

    On Christmas Day there was the annual Chile and Bread buffet hosted by Michele and

    Jeff Yarberry. Many individuals took part in this event and spent time sharing stories with

    each other while enjoying the wonderful buffet. Thanks to Michele and Jeff for hosting this

    event every year and for thinking of others who do not have family to celebrate the day with.

    As I stated in the December Newsletter I began to report and recognize the wonderful

    volunteers who have given their time and donated many things to make our auxiliary events

    a success. The following is the list of volunteers for December. If I miss anyone I deeply

    apologize. Please text me and I will include their name in the next Newsletter. Thank you all

    very much!!!

    December Volunteers Meals On Wheels

    Amie Mann Kathy Flaherty Patti Bishop Trina Craddock

    Audrey Hamby Kimberly Dayken Teresa West Marlene Stafford

    Deb Stewart Lori Schleber Helen Peach

    Beth Adric Jan Listowski Michelle Yarberry

    Kathy Macke Shannon Speer

    God Bless You All!

    Kathy Macke - Auxiliary President


  • Chaplain

    Happy New Year!

    Make one new resolution this year.

    Be the one good thing someone else needs.

    Promise to set aside time to listen.

    Send a note or care for a Veteran.

    A kind word or gesture to a family waiting for their loved one to return home from the


    Pray for those who may not be able to pray for themselves.

    Lift each other up in a time of need.

    Be the positive motivation to Veterans in need.

    Be confident enough, strong enough and bold enough in anything you do.

    Lead the way!

    Lori Mudry

    Auxiliary Chaplain

  • Sons

    Happy New Year!

       High fives to all who participated in the Veterans Christmas boxes this year. This is

    what we are all about serving our veterans and their families. I’m so proud of Post 4. A

    special note goes out to the Albert j fink family for their generous donation this year in

    honor of Albert's service to our country and is love for participating in this event. God

    bless every one of you.

       Our first meeting of 2025 will be January 20 at 6:00 p.m. It's time to renew if you

    haven't done so.

       We will also be hosting the SAL awards ceremony on Friday the 24th at 5:00 p.m. in

    our banquet hall. We will serve dinner, and awards will be presented at this ceremony.

       Prayers for our incoming administration and all those who serve our great country. 

    Tony Souders

  • Riders

    Wishing a Happy New Year to all! We have gotten in new shirts, long & short sleeve in

    Black, Red and Gray. Also, hoodies in the same colors. We will have them for sale

    shortly. The Riders bought and donated the cabinet for merchandise for all groups.

     January 4 th – Poker Night @ 6:00 PM

     January 14 th – Rider’s Meeting @ 6:30 PM

     January 19 th – Pancake Breakfast from 8:00 AM to NOON

    Let’s all work together and make this the best year yet! Thanks to all who have helped

    and supported us this last year. Happy New Year to All!


    Mick Dillan

  • Honor Guard

    We have only had two funerals in the last month, so things are slow. We did have two

    of our guys help the Loveland Marine Corps League Honor Guard perform at the

    Loveland Pearl Harbor Memorial Ceremony.

    We also did some good socializing at our annual Christmas party at he Olive Garden.

    Anybody interested in joining our vital and fun organization should call George

    McCambridge at 970-493-6412 or me at 970-219-4546.

    Terry E. Hartfield

  • Adjunctant

    2025 is upon us! Get your cards renewed before the first of the year or you shant be allowed to belly up at the bar!

    instant credit with National Headquarters is to go to and click the RENEW button.

  • Office Manager

    Happy Holidays!

    With incredible gratitude, I thank you for supporting the Post in the various ways that

    you do. For many, this is your home away from home, so please attend the

    membership meetings to be best informed and to office input.

    The little things make such an impact. Simple and single contributions can ease a

    load and/or make improvements in such profound ways. When a variety of members

    contribute in a small simple way versus a few contributing in many ways, stress and

    grumbling need not exist. Again, with great gratitude I am thankful for the many small

    contributions made by so many of you!

    Welcome a few new employees:

    Teresa Ortega: M-F janitor & Sunday bartender

    Teddy Ortega: Weekend janitor

    We will be reducing the printing of the newsletter in efforts to be mindful of 2025

    expenses. Newsletters will only be sent via email so please be sure to update or

    provide your email to me at We will print upon request but

    kindly ask if these requests are made only if necessary.

    Calendars will be available for viewing in the restrooms and on the office manager’s

    door. Please take a photo of the calendar for your personal reminder of events and

    follow us on Facebook and check out the website. These links are on the front page.


    I greatly apologize but I failed to mention some very deserving groups on the Gratitude page in the January newsletter. 

    The Sons of the American Legion contributed so much time and financial resources towards filling the Veteran Christmas boxes with grand amounts of food.  It was so fun to watch them come in with boxes and truck loads of food and hear of their experiences shopping.

    The Auxiliary and other members contributed gifts for the children of the families.  

    So many in both of these groups and many that are not part of these groups, including Gary Bishop & Denny Jorgenson, showed up to wrap gifts, assemble boxes and make sure each box made it to each and every family on the list.

    Christmas was a beautiful day for over 70 families because of the time and contributions of so many members of Post 4 coming together.  It's so wonderful and something for Post 4 to be very proud of!

    I felt and experienced the greatness of it all and I apologize for not including it initially in the newsletter.



  • Newsletter PDF

    PDF for your printing convenience :)