
  • Bar News

    Yes, we are hiring bartenders! Come in and ask our bartenders for an application. Any

    questions, please contact Lacee W.

    Please check the Volunteer board on our east wall for volunteering opportunities.

    Thank you for all that you do for the post! It takes a village!

  • Legion

    March has arrived and Spring is quickly approaching. It is time to thaw out and to get

    out and enjoy the beautiful weather Colorado has to offer.

    Tuesday March 25th is “NATIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR DAY”. Only 3,468 Medals of

    Honor have been awarded to the country’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and

    coastguardsmen. The Medal of Honor is the highest military award for valor in the

    United States and was created in 1861. There are three versions of the Medal of Honor;

    one for the Army, one for the Navy, and one for the Air Force; Personnel of the

    Marine Corps and the Coast Guard receive the Navy version.

    Saturday March 29th is “NATIONAL VIETNAM WAR VETERANS DAY” this date honors

    the men and women who served and sacrificed during the longest conflict in United

    States history. On March 29,1973, combat and combat support units withdrew from

    South Vietnam. Generations later, Veterans of this period are gaining the respect that

    was not so freely given upon their return. Involving five U.S. presidents, crossing

    nearly two decades and 500,000 U.S. Military personnel, it left an indelible mark on

    the American psyche. Let us all continue to work together in 2024 to make our post a

    success. Let us continue committing ourselves to supporting,

    Also, let us continue to commit ourselves to supporting each other.


    Our post needs volunteers for many upcoming events in 2025. Be sure to volunteer as

    often as possible. We need YOU to promote your post! Bring in your family and

    friends. We have lots going on that you can participate in. Be sure to sign up to

    volunteer on our east bulletin board.

    April is election month. If you are interested in running for a position on

    the executive committee, please contact the nominations coordinator

    George McCambridge before March 31st, 2025.



    Manny Madrid – Post Commander

  • Auxiliary

    Our upcoming events will be the Soup Supper and Bake Sale to be held on March 15th,

    the Tamales sale to be held on March 29th, and our Cooking for a Cause dinner in

    support of our Sponsor A Puppy Event. This dinner is being prepared by Amie and

    Chris Mann and will be held on April 29th. There will be more to come regarding the

    dinner event. Please refer to the Post Facebook page as the flyers for these events are

    posted with the information you need to know. There are also sign-up sheets posted

    on the bulletin board for volunteers and soup and baked good items.

    It is crucial that we have volunteers step up for each of these events as we cannot

    continue to have the same volunteers supporting every event. We will need baked

    good items, soups, and of course people to come forth and help at these events. This

    is your Auxiliary, and every member should be doing something to make us

    successful and support each other.

    The Post has requested that each group also consider helping to improve the financial

    position of the Post as well as improve our membership across all groups. Their plan

    is to have the membership bring in a dish that can be reheated and used to bring back

    our luncheons.

    As we all know, Veterans in the past had made it their mission to come to the legion to

    enjoy a home cooked meal for lunch. We can no longer offer this option to our

    Veterans. Our goal and ongoing support are to our Veterans. If the membership

    across all groups could commit to bringing in a dish periodically and used for lunch it

    would show our Veterans, we do care about them and want to see them back at the

    Post. Consider whatever it is you can do to make this happen in support of our


    On March 19th, the Auxiliary will be purchasing a cake to celebrate the American

    Legon’s Birthday. Come in and enjoy a piece of cake to celebrate this momentous


    February was a slow month for events. We are starting to create gift baskets to raffle

    off and are based on the standard Holidays. Valentines was the first of these raffles.

    On behalf of Shannon, our basket queen, I thank those volunteers who brought in

    items for the basket. She reported we made over $200.00 on the basket.

    February Volunteers

    Amie Mann Kathy Flaherty Kathy Macke Patty


    Audrey Hamby Shannon Speer Deb Stewart

    Trina Craddock Marlene Stafford

    God Bless You All!

    Kathy Macke - Auxiliary President


  • Chaplain

    An Irish Prayer

    May God give you....

    For every storm, a rainbow

    For every tear, a smile

    For every case, a promise

    For each trial, a blessing

    For every problem life sends, a faithful friend

    For every sigh, a sweet song

    For each prayer, an answer

    Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day everyone!

    May the luck of the Irish be with you!

    Lori Mudry

    Auxiliary Chaplain

  • Sons

    Hello Sons,

    A thank you goes out to the volunteers that made our chili cook-off a success. Thanks

    to all who supported our event.

    We will quiet down for a couple of months now until our April meeting, which will be

    on the third Monday, the 21st at 6 pm. In the meantime, there are plenty of activities,

    events, food, and libation. Come on out to volunteer when you can and help keep us a

    vibrant organization in the community.

    We have lots of shirts in all sizes. If you'd like to show your pride in your SAL

    membership, please consider buying a shirt and wearing it to events at our post.

    Have a great month guys!

    Tony Souders - SAL 4 Commander

  • Riders

     March 1st - Poker Night - 6pm

    March 11th - Meeting - 6:30pm

    March 16th - Breakfast - 8am to noon

    March 22nd Support our post: the riders will be grilling burgers, brats & hot dogs with

    beans and potato salad. Silent auction & live auction. This is to help our post. Please

    bring silent & live auction items for us to sell. 1-3 band starts at 3:00pm until 6:00pm.

    We all need to work together to keep our post going. If we need something pricey, we

    don’t have the money. We need a cushion. Let’s do this.

    Mick Dillan – Rider’s Director

  • Honor Guard

    Things have been pretty slow in the last month as we only did one funeral, travelled

    approximately fifty total aggregate miles with eleven man-hours involved.

    Fortunately, we missed all the bad weather.

    Anybody interested in joining our vital and fun organization can call me at (970)219-

    4546 or George McCambridge at (970)493-6412.

    Terry E. Hartfield

  • Adjunctant

    2025 is upon us! Get your cards renewed before the first of the year or you shant be allowed to belly up at the bar!

    instant credit with National Headquarters is to go to and click the RENEW button.

  • Office Manager

  • Newsletter PDF

    PDF for your printing convenience :)